

英漢字典: get behind

1. go or do sth. too slowly 落後;遲緩

    The post office got behind in delivering Christmas mail. 郵局把聖誕郵件送晚了。

    During my illnsss I got behind. in my school work,and now it is difficult to catch up. 當我生病時,我的功課落後了,現在很難趕上。

2. support;help 支持;贊助

    If we all get behind Mr. Chen, we can easily elect him to that office. 如果我們都支持陳先生,我們就能很容易地讓他當選那個職位。

    All of us should get behind the res olutions adopted at the meeting. 我們大家都應該支持會上通過的決議。

    We got behind him to be our monitor. 我們擁護他當班長。

3. explain;find out the reason for 解釋;找出原因

    The police are questioning many witnesses to try and get behind the bank robbery. 警察正在詢問許多目擊者以設法查清那起銀行搶劫案。

4. fall into arrears;be late in paying 拖欠(款項等)

    If your payments of rent get be hind,you will be asked to leave. 你若拖欠租金,就得讓你搬走。

    John got behind with the payment on his car and had to surrender it to the garage. 約翰拖欠了汽車付款,只好把車子交回車庫。

    They often get behind the gas bill. 他們常常拖欠煤氣費。

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